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5 Ways To Practice Compassion Among Your Family and Friends Through the Holidays

The holidays are a time when families usually come together to celebrate the season of gratitude, but this holiday season is shaping up to be like none other. While the season is often marked by abundance, it can also be a time of great need, especially this year as the pandemic rages.

Many are struggling this year. Even in seemingly stable families, there exist struggling college students, extended family who may be going to the food bank for the first time, moms who are secretly going through a divorce and wondering how to get by during the coming year, and family members facing a diagnosis that will require hospitalization.

Why not use this time together while apart to look for and help your friends and family that could use an extra hand this holiday season?

Here are five ways to weave compassion – for yourself and others – into the coming holidays.

  1. Check In: Don’t Assume It’s All Okay

Do you have a friend or family member that you think might be going through something? Check in and ask. Offer to drop off a meal, send them a card or a text. Make a phone call. You don’t have to pry into their life but be there and listen to what they have to say. The holidays can trigger all kinds of feelings and are a good time to touch base, especially amid the flurry of holiday cards and photos.

  1. Listen to Understand

There’s a difference between “listen to talk" and “listen to understand." Listening to understand means you’re actively listening to the other person. You’re not in the “problem-solving mindset," you’re in the “exploration" mindset. Your friend may simply need to talk. Or they might need advice or a second opinion. Whatever it is, you won’t know unless you practice listening to understand. Creating space for those story-telling family members is a great place to start – studies show that recounting stories improves self-esteem in seniors.

  1. Care for Yourself

Maybe you’re the one who is always there for everyone and always showing up when people need it most, and maybe this year, you’re exhausted from the mental load of a global pandemic. Tell someone you need to talk and make the time to do it, whether it’s a friend, a family member, a therapist, or counselor. Your needs are valid and important and your family and friends will respect that you know how to ask for and get the help you need to live your best life. Make it the gift you give yourself this year.

  1. Find Causes That Speak To You

Find nonprofits and causes that you can make an ongoing part of your life. Why? Because when a cause speaks to you, you’re more likely to look for creative ways to help it. Consider creating a gift card drive for a local nonprofit that could use some extra help supporting their community this year. When you’re actively involved with a cause you believe in, you’re more likely to talk about it with your friends and encourage them to give back in ways that are meaningful in their lives. Giving Tuesday is just one day, but a great day to start.

  1. Get Organized

When you know someone who is going through a hardship, like a loved one in the hospital, the birth of a new baby, a sick child, or the death of a loved one, organize your friends and family to help them. This can be done with online tools like Give InKind that help you coordinate financial contributions, calendar tasks, chores, and more on a dedicated page that helps the person in need get exactly what they need. Time spent with family is a great time to pull together and make a plan for supporting someone you love.

No matter how you give and give back this holiday season and beyond, stay mindful about those in need. May we all be lucky enough to not need, but when we do, may we all have the support of our loved ones and community to help us through.

Create an inKind page here for someone who needs a little extra support this year, or start a Give InKind Holiday Giving Drive Page here. If you have any further questions, visit Give InKind’s Help Center or contact us directly at

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