
Coronavirus 101: Early Steps to Prepare & Stay Healthy

As the Covid-19/Coronavirus pandemic has swept the nation, we have all had to make profound (and temporary) adjustments to how we live. Much of the population is advised to self-isolate and practice social distancing

As the Coronavirus pandemic has deepened we have had to shift our collective response. Temporary and strict guidelines are recommended. This is all an effort to help keep vulnerable populations healthy.  Here are some ways that we can take those early steps to being sure that our families and communities stay healthy. 

We can probably all agree that the day-to-day measures we have become very strict about – frequent hand washing, staying home when sick, getting enough rest and water – are all things we could stand to do a little more of as a society, especially in the thick of flu season at any time.

  1. Slow the Spread of Germs Wash, wash, wash your hands with soap. If you can, wash your children’s hands when you arrive somewhere new, and wash them again before you walk out the door (this goes for school if you can). Remove shoes before coming indoors, and change into house clothes when you get home. Don’t be afraid to ask visitors to wash their hands when they arrive – everyone is appreciative of extra diligence right now. 
  2. Boost Your Immune System This a good time to hunker down. Skip the night out, eat a healthy dinner, tuck into bed early, pour a cup of tea and catch up on some rest. Give InKind’s Founder swears by Nuun Immunity tablets and drinks them daily. Vitamin C, Elderberry, Echinacea and Zinc are all also common supplements for boosting immunity.
  3. Help Vulnerable Populations Stay Healthy – We can all be grateful that children seem to be spared from the worst effects of this virus, but our older population is at-risk and it is our responsibility to help them stay healthy. Offer to do a grocery or pharmacy run for a loved one, order them a delivery from Postmates or use a tool like Give InKind to coordinate a meal drop-off calendar, especially in areas where the virus is more prevalent.
  4. Be Reasonably Prepared – As we’ve already seen in parts of the country, there has been a run on disposable masks, toilet paper, and sanitizer products, despite the urging from officials that it’s really just lots of soap that we need. While this might be extreme, this is a good time to take care of packing that emergency kit you’ve been putting off. Whether you live in the land of earthquakes, fires, tornados or floods, we all know we’re supposed to keep 7-10 days worth of supplies accessible in our home. Now is a great time to pack that bin, or freshen up your existing supplies. It’s not that there’s a risk of everything shutting down overnight, but if you do find that someone in your family has been exposed, you could end up quarantined on short notice and it never hurts to be stocked up where you can.
  5. Check Inventory and Expiration Dates on Medications – Have you ever been up with a feverish baby in the night, and faced with only a half dose of Motrin? It’s not a good feeling. This is a great time to take stock of your medicine cabinets, again so in the event you or someone in your family is sick, you can easily stay home and not wait for a delivery of supplies that stores may be short on. “Adult and Children’s Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen, a working thermometer, saline rinse, Pedialyte and a humidifier" are on the list of things that Dr. Sharagim Kemp always keeps on hand.

It’s unclear what the impact will be on communities across the country from this virus, but now would be a great time to start to think about how you might be called on to help aging relatives, neighbors, or sick/quarantined friends and family members if the virus continues to spread. And no one ever got sick from being well-prepared.

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